Creative Shock | International Social Business Conference 2023

Dear Students,

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to you for the upcoming Creative Shock International Social Business Conference 2023, an event that promises to be both inspiring and informative. The conference will take place on the 25th of November at 11AM in ISM University of Management and Economics! ?

The Creative Shock Conference is a global platform that brings together passionate individuals, innovative thinkers, and social entrepreneurs to explore and discuss the latest trends and challenges in the field of social business. This year’s conference promises a lineup of distinguished speakers and interactive workshops, providing a unique opportunity for attendees to gain valuable insights and connect with like-minded individuals. ☺️

We believe that your participation will not only enrich your understanding of social entrepreneurship but also inspire you to make a positive impact in your community. ☺️

We look forward to welcoming you to the Creative Shock International Social Business Conference 2023 and sharing this enriching experience with you. ?

If You want to find out more about the Conference visit this page:

If You want to get your tickets straight away go to this link: