Today In Lithuania Business college started the first SAME project partners meeting
?Lithuania Business College is a participant in Erasmus+ KA220 Project “Sustainable Alliance Manager: Learning Experience towards Collaborative Skills with GreenConsciousness”. ?LBC team is responsible for Work package No.2 – Alliance Manager Profile: Training Needs & Competences and Profile Definition. ?During today’s meetings, implemented activities and future plans are discussed. ✅There are various discussions related to project activities and presentations of activities performed by partners (Feedback collection about the profile of Sustainable Alliance Manager, role play to support the Data collection Process).✅ The Lithuania Business College project team presents the activities implemented in WP2 (Scientific outcomes and action plan).✅ Today the target segment of the College’s community is also introducing the project activities (Feedback collection about the profile of Sustainable Alliance Manager). ✅The SAMExperience project team at the moment composed by Universitatea de Vest dinTimisoara (Romania), Lietuvos verslo kolegija (Lithuania), Universita deglistudi di Foggia (Italy), Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach (Poland), Valuedosrl (Italy) and coordinated by the Faculty of Business Studies from MondragonUniversity (Spain).?