Lithuania Business College | LBC
Lithuania Business College | LBC
Foreign qualification – education (qualification) related to higher education, obtained by studying under the educational programs of foreign countries and international organizations outside of the education system of the Republic of Lithuania.
Recognition of a foreign qualification – a formal endorsement of a foreign qualification, which indicates the value of the foreign qualification to the holder for the purpose of study.
Academic recognition of foreign qualifications is an integrated part of the admissions process at LBC. To ensure application of common criteria and consistency of decision-making, the College carries out the academic recognition of foreign qualifications in a centralized manner, with the functions being performed by the Business Information Centre (BIC) by order of the Director.
In carrying out the academic recognition of foreign qualifications, the BIC is based on the resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science, the recommendations of the SKVC and the internal documents of the College regulating this process.
Academic recognition is carried out in accordance with the Council of Europe and UNESCO qualifications related to Higher Education, recognition convention in the European Region, heads of EAR and EAR-HEI Educational background and qualifications related to Higher Education acquired in the framework of Educational Programs of foreign countries and international organizations, the description of the procedure for recognition approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on 29 February 2012, No. 212 “On the approval of the description of the procedure for recognition of education and qualifications related to higher education and acquired under the educational programs of foreign countries and international organizations” and the methodology for the assessment of education and qualifications related to higher education and acquired under the educational programs of foreign countries and international organizations approved by the order of the Director of the Centre for Study Quality assessment No. V-48 of May 28, 2012 “On the approval of the methodology for the assessment of education and qualifications related to higher education and acquired under the educational programs of foreign countries and international organizations”.
Send original copies of documents by e-mail to [email protected]
Taking a decision on recognition of a foreign qualification
The BIC staff member will use the SKVC’s general guidelines to make a decision on academic recognition. If the SKVC has not issued general guidance on the recognition of foreign qualifications, the BIC staff member must seek individual advice from the SKVC. The decision on academic recognition shall be made only after the recommendation of the SKVC. The final decision on academic recognition shall be based on the original or a certified copy of the documents.
Academic recognition decisions:
If you have any questions regarding the academic recognition decision, please contact us by e-mail at [email protected]
If a candidate disagrees with the decision on the assessment of the recognition of the qualification, he/she has the right to lodge an appeal within 14 calendar days with the Director of the College, who shall set up an appeal board to examine the candidate’s appeal.
Candidates appeals shall be dealt with in accordance with the College’s appeals procedure, in which the time limits for dealing with candidates appeals and the means of informing candidates of the decisions are described.
If a candidate disagrees with the College’s decision on the academic recognition of a foreign qualification, he/she may, within 30 calendar days of receiving the decision, submit an appeal to the appeals board for the recognition of qualifications and qualifications related to Higher Education and obtained in the framework of educational programs of foreign countries and international organizations, established by the center for study quality assessment, to which the College undertakes to provide all the documents of the applicant.